Rural Community Living Development (RCLD) is an organizational peer support network and online curriculum that brings staff from CILs together to support rural outreach efforts. This curriculum was developed as part of a community-based research project through the University of Montana (UM).
Emily Petersen joined the RCLD Peer Mentoring Network in the beginning of 2023. Emily is an Independent Living Specialist at LINC’s Twin Falls location who provides a range of independent living support services to consumers throughout the Magic Valley. She developed and coordinates the Self Advocacy Leadership Training (SALT)
and Grow, Gather, and Gab (Triple G), which is a youth and young adult peer support group. Emily also spends time in the community conducting outreach with consumers, organizations, and local governments.
Emily was paired with a CIL peer from Michigan, who shared experience in developing community partnerships. Peer pairs and the overall RCLD group met regularly to provide peer support and work through the RCLD rural outreach curriculum.
“Because of [RCLD] I’ve been able to really reach out and create partnerships and relationships with others. My face has to be out there, and they have to learn to trust me that I’m going to be there for those that are in my community.” – Emily (Independent Living Specialist)
In the spring of 2024 Emily and the RCLD research team co-planned some on-site evaluation activities at LINC’s Twin Falls office. This plan included interviews with CIL staff and consumers, and for two members of the research team (Dr. Rayna Sage and Lillie Greiman) to join community meetings and CIL events across two days in April 2024.
During the visit, the research team interviewed 2 staff, 4 consumers, and 1 community partner, in addition to attending a county emergency preparedness meeting, joining a Triple G event at a local historical site, and speaking on LINC’s monthly podcast, “Independent Idaho”.
This report highlights what the UM research team learned regarding how LINC’s Twin Falls office creatively and inclusively serves rural consumers and reaches rural community partners throughout the Magic Valley.
The full report is available below.