Operation Advocacy
Operation Advocacy (OA) is LINC's annual Legislative day of advocacy in conjunction with the Consortium of Idahoans with Disabilities Fred Riggers Disability Awareness Day. OA involves a day of story telling training, followed by a day of meetings with Idaho State Legislators on issues important to Idahoans with disabilities across the lifespan.
We’re excited to invite you to be part of something impactful! Operation Advocacy 2025! This year Operation Advocacy will bring both experienced and new disability advocates together to learn from one another and educate legislators on issues important to Idaho’s disability community.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
LINC, 1878 W Overland Road, Boise
We Need you!
We need self-advocates, peer mentors and partner organizations to grow our
Are you a self-advocate looking to be more involved, but not sure where to start? No problem! We are recruiting peer mentors to work with you to make the greatest impact during the legislative session and beyond.
Use this link - https://forms.gle/RFH4LYnscQsq2TZt9 - to sign up! A peer mentor will reach out to you in January with more information.
Peer Mentors
Are you an experienced self-advocate who’s interested in doing more? Great! This year we need Peer Mentors to assist our self-advocates gain experience and make an impact. As a
Make appointments with your legislators, showcasing leadership.
Recruit and mentor individuals from your community area.
Provide guidance and support for new advocates during legislative meetings.
Attend weekly team calls every Tuesday at 4:00 pm in December and January (excluding holidays).
Participate in the virtual planning session on February 3, 2025, and support events on February 4-5 in Boise.
Stay informed through Friday Live sessions on legislative topics.
To sign up as a peer mentor, please follow this link - https://forms.gle/JDKnSGLve4p4Zov78
Partner Organizations
We are looking for agencies and organizations to be there on Feb. 4th to help educate our advocates around specific issues concerning Idahoans with disabilities – the very issues your organizations are working on! We are also looking to recruit some seasoned advocates to serve as mentors Feb 4 and Feb 5 to recruit and assist new advocates through this process.
As a partner organization, we invite you to:
Prepare and present on a specific legislative topic at Operation Advocacy
Inform new advocates on your legislative topic during the Operation Advocacy training.
Provide informational materials, talking points, and encouragement for new advocates in an open house format during Operation Advocacy training.
If you’re organization would like to participate in Operation Advocacy Feb. 4, please let us know - https://forms.gle/CL1REm7LWuemqQmu8. Jen will be in touch with more details. Feel free to connect with her directly at jgrushdale@lincidaho.org.
Questions? Please contact Emily at epetersen@lincidaho.org or Jen at jgrushdale@lincidaho.org.
Together we can build an incredible opportunity to unite, lead, and empower a new generation of advocates. Your participation will help us amplify our collective voice and create meaningful change in Idaho’s legislative process.